Goshko is a cute little kid still in kindergarten who has an older sister that is always keen to play a prank on him. Goshko still hasn’t learned to lock his computer when stepping away from it so one day, while he was playing with his equally cute little curly poodle, his sister found his computer unlocked and got to work. She decided that it was time for Goshko to learn the English alphabet, so she wrote a program that wouldn’t let him watch his favourite TV show “My Little Pony” unless he could answer correctly ten times in a row if a given sentence contains all of the alphabet’s letters.
Alas, little Gohsko is still struggling with the alphabet and he just cannot pass the test on his own. He doesn’t even know that such sentences are called pangrams, and he really wants to see the pony’s next adventures! Help him by writing a program that he could use to determine if a given sentence is a pangram. It should count both uppercase and lowercase letters, and ignore any white spaces and punctuation that his devious sister may have thrown in.
pangram? 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' # => true pangram? 'Did the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog?' # => false
The lower the score - the better. It is the shortest solution that wins.
Rank: 1
Nickname: Sve&Evgeny
Score: 43
def pangram? s (?a..?z).all? { |l| s =~ /#{l}/i } end
Rank: 1
Nickname: pesho
Score: 43
def pangram? s (?a..?z) .all? { |x| s[/#{x}/i] } end
Rank: 1
Nickname: ignisf
Score: 43
def pangram? s (?a..?z).all? { |c| s =~ /#{c}/i } end
Rank: 1
Nickname: Gosho337
Score: 43
def pangram? x [*?A..?Z]-x.upcase.chars==[] end
Rank: 1
Nickname: ssk
Score: 43
def pangram? s [*?A..?Z] - s.upcase.chars == [] end
Rank: 1
Nickname: akseniyap
Score: 43
def pangram? s (?a..?z).all? { |l| s =~ /#{l}/i } end
Rank: 7
Nickname: tomaz
Score: 47
def pangram? s (?A..?Z).to_a - s.upcase.chars == [] end
Rank: 7
Nickname: dejaner
Score: 47
def pangram? s (?A..?Z).to_a - s.upcase.chars == [] end
Rank: 7
Nickname: 🤖
Score: 47
def pangram?(s) ('a'..'z').all?{|c|s=~/#{c}/i} end
Rank: 7
Nickname: Cindro
Score: 47
def pangram? s (?A..?Y).to_a - s.upcase.chars == [] end
Rank: 11
Nickname: buhtum
Score: 48
def pangram? s s.upcase.scan(/\w/).uniq.size==26 end
Rank: 11
Nickname: mimimum
Score: 48
def pangram?(s) ('A'..'Z').all? { |c| s.upcase[c] } end
Rank: 13
Nickname: rb-bikezilla
Score: 49
def pangram? i !((?A..?Z).to_a-i.upcase.chars)[0] end
Rank: 14
Nickname: Urby
Score: 51
def pangram? s (?A..?Y).to_a - s.upcase.split('') == [] end
Rank: 15
Nickname: hv
Score: 53
def pangram?(s) ('a'..'z').to_a - s.downcase.chars == [] end
Rank: 15
Nickname: Dejan Erjavec
Score: 53
def pangram? s ('A'..'Z').all? { |i| s.upcase.include? i } end
Rank: 15
Nickname: lenart
Score: 53
def pangram? s ('A'..'Z').all? { |l| s.upcase.include? l } end
Rank: 18
Nickname: rudel
Score: 55
def pangram?(s) ('A'..'Z').all? { |l| s.upcase.include? l } end
Rank: 18
Nickname: Tim
Score: 55
def pangram?(s) (?a..?z).all?{|w| s.downcase.include? w } end
Rank: 20
Nickname: mediafinger
Score: 56
def pangram?(s) s.downcase.scan(/[A-z]/).uniq.count == 26 end
Rank: 21
Nickname: Hiroyuki
Score: 57
def pangram? s s.chars.map(&:downcase).sort.uniq[-26]==?a end
Rank: 21
Nickname: goshko
Score: 57
def pangram? w w.upcase.tr('^A-Z', '').chars.uniq.size == 26 end
Rank: 23
Nickname: GeorgeSG
Score: 63
def pangram?(s) (('a'..'z').to_a - s.downcase.chars.to_a).empty? end
Rank: 24
Nickname: foobar
Score: 65
def pangram? s foo s end def foo s (?A..?Z).all? { |l| s.upcase.include? l } end
Rank: 25
Nickname: mrbph
Score: 82
def pangram?(sentence) ("a".."z").to_a == sentence.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/).uniq.sort end
Rank: 26
Nickname: johndoe
Score: 88
def pangram?(sentence) s=sentence !(65..90).map {|m| s.upcase.include? m.chr}.include? false end
Rank: 27
Nickname: nooby
Score: 89
def pangram?(s) (s.downcase.split('') & 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('')).length == 26 end
Rank: 28
Nickname: dsbonev
Score: 103
def pangram?(sentence) (('a'..'z').to_a & sentence.tr('^A-Za-z', '').chars.map(&:downcase).uniq).size == 26 end